Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Work in Progress

Work in Progress
Palmer, Alfred T.,, photographer -from Library of Congress, women working for Douglas Aircraft; taken from Flckr Commons on 5-1-10

How does the saying go? A writer writes?

I have for some time have had the idea and desire to do a blog of my own. The process of starting one has been unnecessarily complicated. I kept telling myself that I'll start one as soon as I get a pithy as well as appropriate name for one; and don't forget to make sure that it has a gmail address that is the same as the url - all for simplicity's sake, etc. I also, however, realize that there needs to be somewhat of a common theme so that it will have coherency and doesn't violate the reader's expectation (assuming I'll ever have viewership and or a base). The purpose of the blog is easy; to glorify God. This blog along with additional projects is my ministry and it is my hope that it is used to edify brethren and sisters in the faith as well as provide the gospel to the lost so that lost men may be saved and that God may be glorified.

Irrespective of having this blog up right now, I'm still unclear as to the specific direction that it needs to go in. I have thought about simply posting relevant stories, commentary, news, etc. that pertain to the Christian life; at the risk of sounding like that I am completely devoid of originality, an evangelistic Drudge Report, if you will. Doesn't the internet, however, have enough blogs or sites that are nothing more than a reiteration as to what is already out there? I have a YouTube channel up right now, for example, and it is nothing more than videos that can be seen from a number of other locations. Isn't the significance or value of a blog lie in it's ability to post original content? It is my intention to post original content for my YouTube channel but that is a work in progress and is still in the planning stage as of now. This blog is a little past the planning stage in the sense that it is up and running but continues to be a work in progress. I pray for God to give me direction pertaining to this blog and that it will naturally evolve and take off in a direction of it's own in spite of the incompetence of it's administrator.

If you have ideas concerning this blog, please feel free to share them with me at;

I still like the idea of an Evangelistic "Drudge Report" but at the same time I realize my limitations and don't want to start more than I'll be able to maintain. Perhaps if it is in God's will I will be able to find some partners that would be happy to assist me with such an undertaking.

Please come back often to see the direction that God has decided to take this blog in, etc. If it is in His will to sustain it, He will bless it with growth and if it isn't in His will, no amount of effort on my part will be able to bring viewership to fruition.

Please allow me to post a disclaimer before I end this post. As I have stated earlier, it is my intention to glorify God with this and I by no means wish to imply that viewership is indicative to success, the same as membership numbers do not indicate success for a church. A mega-church, for example, with thousands of members does not mean that it is has solid teaching and is properly exalting God. The same applies to a blog, high viewership by no means indicates that a blog is providing solid teaching and is properly exalting God.

It will be interesting to see what God has in store for us.

May it all be for His glory,

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