Unidentified photographer
Soldiers in a trench, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915
Reference Number: 1/2-103903-F
Photographic Archive, Alexander Turnbull Library
Do Militant Pro-Lifer's in the Trenches Need to Back Off?
Dan Kassis has an interesting piece on his blog that he has posted this week. In his piece titled, "Rethinking the militant pro-life approach", he goes on to describe the harsh and or graphic abortion images that pro-life advocates use as a method and means to dissuade women from getting abortions. He argues that if the militant pro-lifers would read Jesus' approach that he used with the Samaritan woman at the well as well as the woman caught in the very act of adultery, that these advocates would change their approach. Mr. Kassis' objection from my understanding is that such public declarations are perhaps hypocritical of advocates to go to such extremes by displaying such graphic images and at the same time not be willing to adopt babies themselves. If pro-lifer's are so adamant about the cause, it only stands to reason that they should be adopting the babies that others don't want and due to this are aborted accordingly. In addition to this, the harsh graphical imagery is inconsiderate and a cruel thing to expose to women that have underwent the tragedy of a miscarriage.
I appreciate the thought that Mr. Kassis has put into this issue. He explains the issue is near and dear to him per personal experiences - I would encourage you to read his account in his own words for further elaboration. I also believe that Mr. Kassis raises important points and issues that loving Christians should take into consideration when addressed with what to do with the abortion issue/ministries, etc.
I have seen bits and pieces of the images and videos that Mr. Kassis is referring to and my gut reaction is at first to cringe and question as to if children of light should be broadcasting such images of death, etc. Wanting to avoid the temptation to be a reactionary, I give a benefit of doubt to advocates that engage in the type of activities that is mentioned in Mr. Kassis' commentary. Perhaps a jolt or shock of reality is the thing that is needed as a way to frame context and to place the deadly consequences that is about to take place in a proper light; everything that a woman needs to consider and be aware of before she executes an abortion. I’m assuming that this is the line of thinking or rationale that people use when they broadcast the horrific images of abortion. In my mind’s eye, I’m sure they think they are doing one of the most loving things that they can do; expose the harsh reality of what is happening when a baby is murdered as a means to prevent more from happening. The world contains a dubious nature that labels murder as a “procedure” and assures women that they are terminating a lump of cells that we call a “fetus” as opposed to telling them that they are terminating life. It’s the same tactic that was used in war time when soldiers learned to de-humanize life by referring to the enemy as “gooks” or “Charlie” because there’s no reason to have guilt for terminating the enemy, but a man may hesitate and be burdened if he, however, thinks of it as killing men; men with fathers, mothers, children, etc.
So while I agree that as Christians, we are to exude and demonstrate the love of Christ as is mentioned in the above piece, sometimes lines become blurred as imperfect men try to serve their Father to the best of their ability. We should always be on our knees in humility and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit and do everything out of love; the love of Christ. We shouldn’t do anything that hinders another by exuding an heir of arrogance and judgment but at the same time, we should by no means ignore or belittle the seriousness of abortion. Abortion is murder and my heart goes out to a woman that has underwent an abortion and later face conviction for her actions. We love and comfort women with such convictions but not at the expense of lessening the seriousness of abortion so as not to give harmful inaccurate impressions to other women that are considering an abortion of their own.
With everything that has been said thus far, how does everything that we have discussed look like when actually being applied? First, as mentioned in the Kassis piece, we are to refer to scripture as to how we should act and to learn from the infinite lessons that it has to teach us as we trust in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit to guide us and bear witness. Second, we should stay on our knees in prayer and humility and ask God for guidance because as James would say, we have not because we ask not (James 4:2-3). Both suggestions may appear to be obvious but sometimes its the obvious things that escape us and we always fall into error when we deviate from the basics.
Another purpose behind my suggestions is that every situation is unique and different and I fear we may fall into error if we try to lay blanket statements that dictate actions; such as, we should always show graphic abortion images as a way to deter women OR we should never show graphic images to women as a way to deter abortion. Although I don’t think graphic images of abortion posted in a pubic forum is appropriate because everyone “does not need to see it”, there may possibly be occasions when they serve a purpose that is truly done out of the love of Christ. I have seen videos of street preachers preaching with a megaphone outside of abortion clinics and these men tell the women that are in the building that they are being lied to and that they have pictures that can show them what really takes place during an abortion. Is this extreme? You bet it is. Do women, however, that are considering an abortion have a right to know what is really taking place during an abortion? You better believe they do. There was a segment on Wretched T.V. last week that showed a counselor telling a woman that there aren't legs and arms, etc.; that it's just tissue, etc. From the way the segment was laid out, this worker was clearly lying to the woman. Assuming the scenario just described is the truth, then graphic images displaying the harsh realities of what happens and takes place during an abortion is more than appropriate to illustrate the gravity of what is about to really take place if a woman decides to proceed with an abortion. If men make such claims about what takes place during an abortion and cannot back their claims up with evidence, then they are made out to be fools and the cause becomes a mockery. It is true that information pertaining to abortion can be relayed without pictures but pictures really show in a way that numbers cannot that we are really talking about babies and not statistics and cell tissue, etc.
May it all be for His glory,
From "A Broken Loaf and a Little Wine" blog, here is an article; "Against Prophetic Nonchalance" that I think compliments this piece;
Grace & Peace,