Justin Peters has graciously allowed me to post his video series on my YouTube channel for a season. If you have not viewed them yet, then you may want to make time and view these videos that are a must see if you desire to learn about the Word of Faith Movement. As difficult as it can be to teach about the Word of Faith Movement, Justin Peters delivers his message in truth and sobriety and at the same time, he does all of this in the love of Christ.
Please place it within your consideration to support Justin Peters' Ministries. You can do this by either making a donation, purchasing a DVD/s or by booking an appearance accordingly. Please also let Justin Peters know how much you appreciate his efforts that he makes through his ministries. Also please let him know that you have become aware of his ministry through my blog/YouTube channel as a way of encouragement. There are a lot of difficulties in this world and to encourage our brother in Christ that is working in the Kingdom of God is a blessing and opportunity that God has placed our way.
If you want to support Justin Peters Ministries, please click on the link below;
Justin Peters Ministries is a non-profit 501c(3) organization. Justin Peters Ministries relies upon the generosity of fellow believers who support and believe in this unique ministry. Any gifts are tax deductible and genuinely appreciated.
Also, thank you for visiting my blog and YouTube channel. Thank you for allowing me an opportunity to share the love of Christ with you. May it all be for the glory of our Heavenly Father, the much beloved Son and Holy Ghost.
Grace & Peace,
Please DO NOT send me any money. I am not affiliate with Justin Peters Ministries.
God bless!